A Israel security (IDF) had issued his research of what happened on Oct. 7, 2023, and in the days of the leading of Has’s death. While the first survey began in November 2023, Idef Lt. Genc Kaleyvi prescribed all parts of all parts 2024.)
The Israelite troops appear in the midst of the waste of the damaged houses after Ritio and Palestian in Beeri, ISRAEL ON Oct. 13, 2023.
August 7 could not. One year later, 101 capturers will still take place in Gaza
According to the IDF check, a number of 5,000,000 candidates in three waves. At the present, 4,696 machines and mortar fired from Israel. The attacks were left in 829 people in Israel, outward countries and foreign people of 415 dead. In addition, 251 was taken to go to aza.
“Necessity was the factor of failure to understand Hamas’s goals and preparations,” Idf managers say to the report.
The Hammath attacks did not immediately occur, according to the IDF, preparation began about seven years to be saved, I am designed for the first time of 2016. In the early 20th.
IDF says Hamas took a lot of days due to difficulty, including Rosh Hashanah, New Year’s New Year, and Seppur, Jewish day. Finally, Oct. 7, 2023 related to Simon torah torah, which writes at the end of the torah.
Looking at the time of Israel’s fight against Has after Oct. 7
Attack, according to the IDF test began to take place in Oct’s long hours. 700 pm on Oct
Research began with 1 Fund for 6:29 in the morning when 1,14 nsakhas’ nishima Ahers have seized, breaking the barrier between Gaza and Israel. Idf announced an emergency condition at 6:43 AM, and at 7:10 I’m Aiscary Air Force (IIAF).
Between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, 3,400 warriors were inside the land of Israel. In addition, 8:00 in the morning, Hamas Harmas Nambomer Defmes Defmens Depherients to Police to Police in Gaza to join Risk. The scores say after 9:00 am Am Amazer used the failures of the IDF failure and use the opportunity to improve the work. Some claim that they planned a portion of Israel.
Many of the “major terrorists” was suspended by IDF approximately 1:00 PM, but there were warriors in Israel 3:00 PM IDF says and other areas and surroundings.
The doctor wrote: “We did not appear to Hamas, they could be mean in the battlefield.
More than Idf is actually in Iran and Hezbollah before you reach Oct. 7 attacks, and Hamas was described as a second risk at the time. In addition, IDF who thought it could have Hamas’s actions that used to “slowly repair the real” and intention to remove a criminal group.
IDF also believes that “Hamas has not asked all the battle,” lead Israel to say that the big city was not responsible. In the same word, IDu says Hamas used the opportunity of Israel’s view of the cultivation and use the opportunity.
Other biggest thoughts are the most wrongly shown in the light and the IDF idea thinks that the greater risk of Hamas was the rockets and delicious rosaries from Gaza. This is combined with reliability on security and barrier, and the reduction of Israel’s boundaries – Gaza can lead to disaster.
The energy of Israel’s control did not fully misunderstood or analyzed Intel with Hamas and their purposes. This is also visible reunited with the awareness of Shi’ite IDF IDF “Axis” and her mind on Israel. IDF says that at the time of reviewing the deeper stories and insights are guided by nature.
Starting in 2018, wisdom of wisdom has been collected hats the idea of hatas to attack Israel. However, the system appeared to be impossible and considered to indicate long-term goas.
In August 2021, Intel on Hamas’ wings He described the sovereign attacks of the large Israelites and troops around Genezza. The wise adults failed to connect between Intel Intel Intel Intel intel and what was gathered in 2018.
The wisdom received in the months that are going to Oct. 7 showed a Hamas worked for a course of education. This is a change of an estimate of 8500-based information, but this was not communicated with leadership.
A Israelite soldiers look at the offspring of the burnt vehicles that were attacked on the Nova’s festival and Hamas Gunmen from Gaza, near the Israelite border, Oct. 13, 2023.
Israel’s army finds three-house of Gaza to Oct. 7 The music musicians
In the evening of Oct. 6, 2023, Israel’s cards not washed in the center of Gaza. However, this is not yet a long time as it’s already happened. The same cards later allows an invalid people to communicate after the limits to Israel. There were also signs that Has Hamas was meeting. However, according to the IDF light, nothing was enough to change as much as you can break in Gaza, therefore no warning.
There was also a hamorantee of hamanged events in that day. The inquiry was revealed that there was a noise tools that can be used in a single night to help the information that was not used. However, IDF assures that it had a hug in revolution of the situation, it would be very unusual for Hamas to be surrounded, but not very much.
IAF was found to meet and exceeded the specified standards to be prepared to except the two portions of the fire. However, these qualities disagreed with the things that would be prepared to be severe attacks. IDF was completed that there was “great challenges” to distinguish the troops, government, and rebels and criminals from one another.
While IAF about key The Hamas’s placeIDF admits that even in the examination of the people who encounter them is difficult to know that it would have a very effective job.
However, it is known that the IDF has not fixed anything like that, 7 kills.
“We loved the most common and what we have as leaders and we did not think of certain events.
A damaged house after the war between Israel’s soldiers and rebels of Palestinian on Oct. 10, 2023 In Kfar Aza, Israel.
Finally, IDF lists that the problem examination of the Gaza and Hamans set in the installation where there was no deeper debatic. In addition, now they say they were “wrong” to try to “disgusting to send with Hamas, in the future, removal of the trauma should be followed.
Its light adds the opportunity to the future, with reference to the protection process will be a key.
The original story of writing: 7 to take the basic ways from the military of the Israelites on the Octs of Oct. 7
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