Tawanchai Pk Senchai begins his BiOnd’s Boi Hoi trip not far away from the ordinary.
Another wind of feathers of the world’s most powerful world worldwide.
Tawanchai said he met the four-year-old boy who had already met with more than they were in the game.
Although she was still young at school, Tawanchai said she and the older enemy had already been used to use all the weapons in Boi, including knees and knees.
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“It was a winning Boiy Thai. I didn’t pay, it was on the shores of the beach. I had a lot of tips to knock and push.”
Tawanchai Pk Saenchai added:
“He knew more than I, he had a fight in 10 to 20 years old. I was seven years old, but I was only five years old!”
Since his early days of tourists, the Tawanchai was blessed in the most beautiful army.
Tawanchai arrived After the death of Petchmorakot Pantyamee to one group of Fetatught in Informent 161 in September 2022 in Singapore.
He is to restart gold four times against Jasupe Yusupeeov, with one steaky feather.
Tawanchai now looks for the glory of two games when they meet Makii To another person to use Ropbox Lofelm name anf.
172 tickets are available in ELLUSAnd the whole card will be moved to be watchful.neofc.com.
Tawanchai Pk Senchai promises the fireworks against Makaki Nairly on 172
Tawanchai Pk Saenchai is a sophistication one of the best victims in One tipAnd he promised that he would bring the electric color when they take Maki Nirir at 172.
In the latest Credit of Tokyo card, Tawanchai vowed to give up all because the shooting of him is the name of the world’s choice:
“Hello everyone, I’m glad I have the opportunity to fight in Japan. And I have to fight against a survey. This beat is fun.
Updated by Harvey Leonard
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