Ranbir Kapoor Cut Hi’s Day Bhatt, Back to city to meet Ayan Gukwi

Ranbir Kapoor Cut Hi’s Day Bhatt, Back to city to meet Ayan Gukwi

Ranbir kapoor and Ayankumker shares a lot, experts and in front of you. When Tatmmaker’s A father’s father’s father when Alherjete died today, Ranbir was one of the most influentially visiting bananas.

He was in Albaulg to please his wife, traveling 32 days. These two went there yesterday but they will be back to the city of Ayan’s Daddy’s story.

Ranbir, Alia and their daughter Raha adads with shutterbugs in return to Mumbai. Ranbir was about to take Raha in a car but seeing this paparazzi, left a moment with Alia inside the car and walked in another car. Afterward, Ranbir was me again when she came to the house of long.

Ranbir and Ayan worked on the movies after the movies out sd, Jeh Japa Devea with Brahmatra: one step – shiva – shiva. It was only yesterday when Ranbir proved to have the Ayan of Chyan once again to Brahmatra step at the second time.

Ranbir Kapoor Ayan Mukkuki

The Saman cousin, Ayan’s cousin was also seen that he would enter his house to stay with him in his day.

Ayan Muckic did not unite with a couple of days. Her funeral has been processed to take 4 PM today, on Pawan Hans Cronarchum, Mumbai.
DEB Malakjee did a famous movies like Joeeta APAKUM, ANSO BARY AND TVUNY AND TVUNY AND TUNTUY AND TUNTUY AND TUNTUY AND TUNUY and TRUNI. Although the causes of death cannot be confirmed, they believe that it is cancer.

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