Israel eats the bottom of the Hamas plans to produce regrets, four bodies

Israel eats the bottom of the Hamas plans to produce regrets, four bodies

Israel said Friday that Hamas would bring us out of the US-Israel in the capital, Gaza with a few dead bodies was striking “in the families of organizations.

Four females – the greatest nation, it is then delivered immediately, depending on the system of Islamlami system. Hamas not mentioned another Israelite land.

The system came after the party’s team, the team did.

At the beginning of the month Hamas and Israel arrived at the end of the first step of the first one of the heel, which affected the release of atom from Gaza in exchange for Palestina. But not clear that the process goes on to avoid all conflicts to Gaza.

According to Israel’s side, the Islamic leaders in Gilarip of Gaza still have 24, and the bodies of romicte bodies.

The Government of Israel explained that Hamans offers insufficient and unchanged opportunity.

When Jerusalem received a very distant idea of ​​us Evooy entvven WIRTVVV, “Continuing War against the Flesh families,” Minister’s role in Minister Benjaminin Nunjaci said.

Ashi Israel Aswing AsSung West Village Village

The inhabitants of the Israelite Israel destroyed the places in Palpetinian village northern West Bank bank, Media reports said first on Friday.

When the masses lit three houses and two cars all nights in Dumah, News Newn Newnarn Argency spoke of the community.

Five homes were well-set in accordance with an old group, which has a vehicle of traffic, the newspaper of Israela Haattz also mentioned security.

The armies of Israel claimed to be left unbelieved to enroll in peace there, and Israel’s army began to scatter them. Did not happen.

Israel’s officers and Shin HIVs in GraIICT said that the army they think they are looking for.

Haardz said that the inhabitants of dwelling live in the nearest miles, mean the best establishment. According to the Haardz report, the residents were confessed to be deadsome effort to steal sheep from outside.

The Israelite troops and policemen said they received reports that a couple of Palestineans tried to steal the cows of the clouds from stability. This will not confirm first.

He said that Israel’s soldiers prohibited the village inhabitants so that he did not deny the independent power of this.

The Israelite troops are repeatedly stated that they are not fully active to avoid a palpetinians and their goods, all the time to West Bank, as well as protects the Israelites, and protects Israel.

Al-qassam Brigades, of Hamas, start the rise as they are working on the two Israel’s hammer returns on the US-ISRAEL BUSINESS BEGINNING IN GAZA. Obed Rashim / DPA

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