Trying to heal the pain of Israel’s shift in West Bank | Always respectable

Trying to heal the pain of Israel’s shift in West Bank | Always respectable

Jenin and Tulkarem, West Bank Bank – Romani Farai kneels a moment – tired, but this work doesn’t leave it.

They reach the school’s bedrooms, which the patient has reached a seat, waiting for him to qualify for the magazines and the high blood pressure. Then they go to the next class, the following patient, walking under the sun open.

25, volunteered to help those who were destroyed by the damage of Israel’s damage for several weeks. He’s one of the youngsters of a young person working to be able to tell Israel in an emergency Bank that is in the world that is fleecely and removes thousands of lakes.

Running to an accident

When Israel’s armor’s army and the movement of the camp I began the way Israel called to “a metal wall”, on January 21, Pharaoh rushed into Talkarem’s refuge rather than farts.

Volunteers are in charge of the patients with a chronic illness [Al Jazeera]

He lived there with their volunteers for more than 12 people who were terrible and people were still trying to prepare clothes.

They focused on helpful people who are afflicted – injured, aged, and people who have not moved a little. No one can get to the hospital because Israel’s soldiers did not let them go.

The Israelite soldiers led the dedication, Faha chi’ai refer to how to threaten him with their friends, to tell them to go away and be shot.

The events actually makes him be, of an old man who was arrested in four days.

This group can only try to get her, but the soldiers of Israel closed their way. Finally, the Red Cross Communication Committee sets, uniting with ISRAEL to let the volunteer.

When she arrived the man, he was in trouble, lasted food, water, cleanness for four days, but could come out of her.

After leaving, he had gone to be late, not warned not to return – or frightening.

Medics BackCacock

A al-Roo Sordi, Great Al-Studado Contragem in Tulkarem.

The two volunteers pulls the winds of the windows to produce a tip of a category of an old woman who lives on the sofa showing what she shows
The two volunteers visit the older woman who made her helping her with her health [Al Jazeera]

Al-Awda is the Center Center in Bethlehem in Bethlehem and train volunteers to write to people and camps to try help.

Archaeper of about 15 and gloves they met

Their faces appear about two months of working with the people who were moved with people who raided by Israel on Shams and Tulkarem camps.

They are struggling to fill the larger differences that Israel prohibited the United Nations Palestine for Mobile Bank.

The workers have no publishers all day long to travel to serve people who do not have any known and their determination.

They go to one of the 11 minutes, fry in setting up a place or wherever their patients can find a place to live.

It brings medications and medications and clothing, food, and other important to those who have lost everything to the soldiers.

Ismael standing to look at the camp, ECOMUTTEL was surrounded by destruction
Ismael, 23 years old, suffered back to the Tulkarem camp, where there is his home. They are afraid of Israel’s destruction [Al Jazeera]

In their pockets in their gauze, electricity carrier, gloves, bangs, blood pressure, blood pressure, afternoons and pencils and pencils.

“Our Role as a Most Important Role!” Says Alaa.

This volunteer should also help the same group of groups, to work for a group to solve the problems in their destructive groups.

Many of them are from the camp, so they flee, and found closeiers, and they will see their own organizations that have wrought.

Faraj is not different. Like many Palestines, she is known as the loss and violence of her mistreatment of her 18-year-olds, Israel drone in January 2024.

The camp is a part of Go. Some residents of strangers take the risk of returning to their goods.

They wander on plains, scent around floods now, and the restrooms are open to the buttons, while the Israel soldiers walk with dvites walking within the camp.

Laugh, crying, screaming

The hour drive from Tulkarem and Jenin, and 10 minutes from Jenin and a village of Kafr Dan there is unusual lakes in the air – children’s laughter.

The participants shouting when they participate in areatre Right to Kafr Dan
The kids screaming, jump, and scream the ice time to ask them about their pain and give them a place to play with laughter [Al Jazeera]

About 20 children wander in the garden of a large house. They are included in the surroundings and instructors who encourage them to speak – aloud – to be able to get their nervous and angry.

The project was planned by Jenin rights, who arrived at Kafr Dan to give birth to children who have been deleted, at least temporarily.

They started inside the camp of Jenin as a space that children and youth could take part in social conditions but were closed by Israel’s army out.

Therefore, “We bring the sons of the seventh seven times,” says Sarra, one of three things.

Children are encouraged to be loud as they love, shouting fear with anger that blocks The violence they knew.

A sport related to a small football ball and near, causing the children to be selected and their visible smile, happy to see their children happy.

Setting side and smiling mummmed, 67-year-old, who has brought other children to join events.

Not as her children, as she gives her home in the seven people who are soon removed from Jenin.

Shat, in his cold glass on top, walks between children's groups in the sun and olive trees on the back
Shatha and children who were working with the Rights of the theater [Al Jazeera]

Um Mummed was transferred in 2002, during the second time, his home in Jenin’s refuge in Jenin escaped from Jenin destroyed by the Israelite.

Now she’s old now, say that her eyes are walking around when she remembers the pain of deleting. They have their children, and they are Grandpa.

Umhammed knows very well The fear of Israel’s treaders are rolling and the blasts resumes. That is why, now, insists to help the people passing the same.

Shat, 26, and two counter-plays begin to put their weapons, and turn off the pockets. Actions happen today.

Shatha recognized the rights when they went to the apple app and later decided to give a delivery time instead of the performance.

“Theater is a country that differs from a different life. My work and children is part of this world.” He says.

Close to the mother – who would like to cancel his name – who saw her children.

In the afternoon of two adults, sitting at the end of the Clacktete, since I look down the hill to where their houses are here
Two men look at NR SHAMS camp, many people who occupy people were transferred [Al Jazeera]

She, her husband and her two children live through the eyes of Israel Rune Quump Quumplaying instructions to get out. Then the dollars came in the sky, just wondering, and the army running, with Israelite soldiers.

His eyes are elevated and His Word quickens, the reminders of the reminders that tell him its subject.

Finally, after leaving, he had to stand when the Israelite soldier hunt their faces and build some of the other men trying to leave.

After the first time they had left hopes to be allowed in a few days.

But the real realities of the movement are slowly settled.

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