Joseph Knaba Concerns Prison For Musa Aladiah in Gaza to Gaza to Gaza to Gaza to Gaza to Gaza.
Residents in the US State of Illinois has opposed a man’s murderer.
Joseph Czuba, 73-year-old, who was found guilty of Friday, meets a prisoner when it was agreed in May For killing The opponents said they were caused by the Muslim hate, and left his injured mother against, as if the court of the trial.
The slaughter of the boy, Wadel Alfofies, and his mother’s attack, Hanan Shaheen, was one of the most of the US activities since Gaza.
Chzuba, who was an owner of Shaheen and her son, killed the boy 26 using a 76-minch knife (18-cm). Shaheeen met a couple of wounds that met a beautiful town, about 64 miles in southwestern Chicago.
During this week, Shahehe he testified that the Grace told him, “O you, as Muslims, you must die.”
Michael Fitzgerald, prosecutor from the County Story State office, showed the 911 photo.
“The householder is slaughtering my son,” Shaheheen is heard in saying about obedience.
Chzuba had been missed and did not give evidence at the moment they started Tuesday.
“All our children were bound ‘
The case was made of international heads and struck the Sycale area of Chicago with a large group of Palestin.
“We all with parents, aarab or Palestadian … which are our Alfumi girls, because they were all of our boys) – According to the Games) – According to the Apple New Name.
“It was very much like a alfasi. While he was looking for, all our children were tied to. Any Muslim is looking for when he [Czuba] ” All the Michols die. ‘ “
ARED AOB, Directory Director Committem of American-Arab), said the verdict of Wade’s family and “send a sound message to hate what has been no place”.
“We will not agree or forget that one six-year-old son died because of the worst anti-pathinian,” he said, according to the APP.
Some US events to lift anti-Arab Covied Girls 3 Girls, Black Muslima Group in California and Floridada Palestinans.
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