EU is concerned with the extent of the Westhi in West Bank

EU is concerned with the extent of the Westhi in West Bank

The European Union on Saturday on Saturdays described the “stress” of a military career of the Israelite warriors in WestNyn Bank.

40 days, which has been activated in a trusted area, causing death to death, pierced around their homes, and “destructive construction,” the words of EU says.

EU invited Israel to obey international law by making sure that the common people protect the refugees home.

Israel also requires a sure of the works of financial reasons against Palestinina west of West and East the pastor, it said.

EU has affected the anxiety of warranty warriors in West Bank, which prevents the rights of transport then and acts of financial resources.

“As we enter the Holy Mate the Holy Month of Ramadan, we invite all rests for peacemakers to allow peaceful festivals,” the words did.

Israel conquered the western Bank and East Road, and one of the other men, in 1967. Today, about 700,000 leaders of Palestinians, when they arrive in East Jealous, as its capital.

The Israelite soldiers drive through the refugee camp for several weeks, when the host work to the biggest forces in the armed forces. Lisi YelfOvich / DPA

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