Facebook, Instagram and threads begins to try the natives on March 18

Facebook, Instagram and threads begins to try the natives on March 18

Meta will begin to try her address, On facebook, Instagram and threads of US on March 18. The mind does not appear in the sight. The company wants to ensure that the texts and calculations are working as an appointment before the facts begin to show anyone.

Things will also work in the way you write on x, meta says, and the idea of ​​users bring additional issues to the text that can be used to describe information. Instead, the Meta could have set up its open algorithm machine. "This gives us a chance for the x made and controls on our towers," The company did .

Meta said that it changes the algorithm app and a group of villagers on its platform. It can change the algorithm to change the way the community areas are designed and rated. "We’re going to get this open when we learn from the one who betrays and see how it works in our products," Meta wrote. "We don’t expect this procedure perfect but still we continue to make good work."

About 200,000 people are Except on Facebook, Instagram and thread. The system has considers each agent of agent and think of those who disagree. It cannot be required for the number of appointments – Meta will only include one at the post office while "People who often refuse to provide help." This, the Company says, its purpose protects your favor.


META provided his sorting app in 2016 and a suggestion to rely on the facts of the true group to try the text because they don’t want to be against him. The company contradicts a company that experts have their own ideas and politicians, who choose what I see.

Of course, the community that has their tissues with their muscles but not their own experts. However, Meta says contract from people with different ideas will be enough to be sure to be marked.

Mark Zuckerberg, Ceo’s Ceo, said in January to President Remed "Principles" free tading. For centuries, the custody are accused of on the media media of their statements.

"Village ideas allow a lot of people to add added to add to a lot of varieties, and because spreading a written coverage requires a contract between different people," Meta says. "This requirement is a scorestorm to protect the testing campaign for games and attraction what is written or what they say."

The most common writings are often damaged in algorithms but notes do not disturb the Positionic form, Instagram and thread. The text should be less than 500 and requires a link. Does not take the names of the writers, at least first. It is not possible to send texts on the business, even the offerings can write to any other notes, including the company with their leaders, as well as other numbers.

Initially, community texts will be found in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietsse, French and Portuguese. Many languages ​​will be added to a row.

Meta wants you to speed up the village writing when the program is to work again and again and again. When notes start to appear in a group, the company will not be able to reflect new characters from the Third Checkers. Meta wants to take this route around the world, but currently can still be app in other countries.

However meta speaks in villages, do not want to be a silver bullet to spread fakes. The village opinion did not resolve the exit of lies on x, according to . Last month, x owner Elon Muse (now a "A special employee") said it was trying to do so "repair" The village opinionto say they were "Increased to play with governments and pen."

The story appears early Radget on HTTPS: //www.valadedGet-

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