Kenny Omega Fires a warning of AW Modennamite

Kenny Omega Fires a warning of AW Modennamite

Kenny Omega became competitive again to AWw revolution on Sunday. Cleaning now where its opponent may be a part of the weein Dynamite.

Kenny Omega opened the flagnely night’s night of all champions fighting from fresno, ca, going to the roaring in the saving center. Holding a microphone has also found gold tasks again.

Omega thanked her enemy 2025, lost beasita, because it is pushing to do on a higher level and ultrasonic use of a tuna with the AWW. Ready to meet with a circular circle, said they would have his eye These are advertised recently on the topic, which the successor meets the best belt of her belt in Ahes line 2025.

“Therefore, our employer, our fearless Lead Tony Khan, said he had a suggestion to come with the icy queue, ‘Why do you believe it better to be interested in [a shot at] The belt is located. Omega represents what country, a walk of life that represents, I want to meet the best, “said Omega. [2:20 onwards]

When you go, Omega faced against the critics, who represent, Katselor shibi, participated in the Entermerion of Evertenator. It seems to look like Wrestler will meet the content of the “God of his struggle” next month.

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