Orbán calls EU to settle a peaceful conversation with Moscow on Ukrainian

Orbán calls EU to settle a peaceful conversation with Moscow on Ukrainian

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Prime Minister Prime Minister Viktor Orler Orbán wants to start “dialogs directly to Russia Persia to fight Ukraine.

Orparaban reportedly rejected the tests to find any contract in Ukrainian between the 27 member of the state. All they want is made for a letter to the President of the EU Council António Costa sent on Saturday and was considered often.

A threat to the EU-Russian closure of any contract comes after the US President Trump Trump decided to discuss the problem of problem

When her letter comes after the eups of the EU curs of the EU officials that includes the Ukraine’s agents in Ukraine in Ukraine and economy in Europe. Zelenskyy is requested to attend a session, which happens on Thursday.

“It’s clear that there is a difference in Ukraine that is not recommended or communication,” wrote to Costa.

Orban registration in EU created the same principle during the time of EU envos meeting in Brussels on Friday, according to the people who discussed at special meetings.

E43 leaders need to assemble at London Sunday with UK Keir Starmer.

Friday of all people between Trump and Zelenskyy postponed Just because we’ve been moving in recent times from Ukraine in Russia – and the distance now between Washington and Europe.

The total of Orbanor and commerce comments reported that the United Council was continued by US support and Russian help that did not mean to “deal with war”. The European’s tiders saved the vote.

“The [UN] Addressing a new field of the argument is to refer to an old language and the language associated with an invalid Council, “Orban wrote the letter to Costa.

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