Over 5,000 people of more than 5,000 leaders have been killed in Gaza, car controls say that

Over 5,000 people of more than 5,000 leaders have been killed in Gaza, car controls say that

The number of Palestine was killed in war in battle in Gaza is up to 50,000 responsibilities, HAMAMA-controlled positions of Hamas said Sunday.

These numbers, which do not distinguish between fights with civilians, can’t be assured without independence.

However, a whole organization in the world as not to think they will be responsible.

The arguments were caused by Israel attacks and Palestin’s army group of Hamas Hamas Hamas and additional groups on October 7, 2023.

About 1,200 people were killed and more than 25,000 Israel was caught in hired.

Six week has begun to work in January, but Israel resumed her rebellion this week, and hundreds of Palestinians are killed because.

According to the media report on Sunday, about 30 people were killed in Israel in southern Gaza.

The Newnalthat Newn New Naken of Newcy states, including drone Inter, in Rafah and Akin UNIS. Among other things, natural houses and car were caught.

The Israelite troops had already had a tal Al-sultan citizen to Rava to warriors’ shut up against terrorists “there.

The occupants were asked to escape the battlefield. The common audiences run away from Rapha, some of whom eat very deeply and with children.

Hamas approves the death of the adult

The Hamas, Hamel manager in Israel who was in the Source of Sorthern Gaza, Palestin’s army was said Sunday.

Islamist Security team proved the death of Salah Al-Bardawil, Algarro member, post on the tiegram.

Hamas said al-Bardawil and his wife was killed “in his tent in his tent, in his tent in Al-wheels, in Gaza.

Palestin’s leaders look for trash and trash in Israel in the place of many fired transactions. Moiz Salhi / A Samage Via Zuma Press Way / DPA

Palestin's leaders look for trash and trash in Israel in the place of many fired transactions. Moiz Salhi / A Samage Via Zuma Press Way / DPA

Palestin’s leaders look for trash and trash in Israel in the place of many fired transactions. Moiz Salhi / A Samage Via Zuma Press Way / DPA

A Palestininsists carries the body of the body to protect the houses under the destruction of the Aishael of Israel. Obed Rashim / DPA

A Palestininsists carries the body of the body to protect the houses under the destruction of the Aishael of Israel. Obed Rashim / DPA

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