Scientists have identified the new troves of the sea level

Scientists have identified the new troves of the sea level

Earth’s period has in the native areas in 19,700 to 36,000 to 11,000 to the bottom of the sea. Regarding the Greek god of the grave, these are the most deep parts of our lakes, and one of the few areas of our earth. New research illuminates the most interesting places and creatures that call at home despite the most difficult situations.

The researchers used the language of the fozuzhee to pass 30,900 arms. Of the more than 7,000 types, researchers who wrote the bribes that wrote on the audio, more than 89% were not already unknown. Their decodePublished by March 6 In the court of the cell, he gently explains various regions of our country.

“Unknown, variety, as well as presumptuousness was observed in Harbaniome, especially between Virry and Virry, which are affected by the subject. Their jobs are part of Mariana shops and Ecology research (MEER), which claims gives “First:

The original tip makes the most stress, the shorter temperature, low lines, and in full darkness. In short, “the special challenges of creation in life,” according to researchers. However, Hadal examples revealed the presence of 7,564 people, which 89.4% were first written. “Amazing Change” For Examples Requests Against Getics, who revealed a number of ways to survive.

Paper is one of the Trio or a lot of lessons At the environment of halatal ecosysers completed the same day. One of other subjects A followerpams . The other indicates that the fish is stronger than 3 miles (3 miles) below all sea’s genetic This helps them to reduce cold touch, stress, and the lack of sunlight.

The finest research is estimated that the exit creation begins first. For example, the researcher thinks that Elss entered the edge of the deep sea levels about 100 years ago, which allowed them to survive Districts that almost exceeded dinosaurs and shook the lodges of the floods.

All together, the three courses indicate that there is a local exchange between the virus and the main creatures that live in the harlot of Hadal. “Foresis suggests that the strategies connect to Halntal Places that pass the state regulations and research areas,” researchers wrote in commentary on a Trio of course. In other words, the Hadal refunds places driving well to make similar qualities.

In addition to Viruss, the researchers met the trash of people’s debris: plastic bags, fireable bottles, even fiefs, even the boots, according to Science.

“This was so distracting to us Science. When he and their friends realized that the housing vers seemed to be able to arrange some small things in meeting the foot of the people to reach public land.

Eventually, the lesson gives minor identification of a special region of a particular area Once they believe in life-Thow this life becomes you finding a way.

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