Scotland 0 – 3 Greece

Scotland 0 – 3 Greece

Scotpursel Scotland fell to Greece to Greece to Hundhan Park to verify their color statements

The part of Steve Comooke took the second part of this play but, after losing a chance from Scott McToKay, the guests led as the Giannis Kunstantiias Swingtteliias swing.

Tartan troops fell when the Kithantinos Karets became a minor player to achieve Greece’s goal when they moved forward.

The guests put 15 cocks after half-time – the poor from Ryan Christie observed the Konstantielas Tzos Tzos to make 3-0 per night and aggregate.

Even if the results do not change the appropriate Worldland World Cup Tup campaign, Clace was looking for her players to “Put a pen” In front of meeting Greece in October.

Scotland stumbles as they pay taxes to one of capital

Sir Alex Ferguson and Scotland Heach Steve Claro

Sir Alex Ferguson made a similar form

The companies started forward.

Scotland was screaming to receive a consequence of four minutes after the plant

Shortly after the word in the MCicalay has been rejected by Kostas Tzolakis and Andy Roberson sending a reCound.

Looking for sure to increase its purpose from the first leg, mctomoy and then saw that testing comes from the scotland like Scotland ruled on the basis.

Giannis konstantelloelies celebrates Greece to Hammpden Park
Giannis Kunstantieldaaaaas opened Greece Redeem in Hammden Park

Greece stuck with Hamdeney’s lords and open.

Giannis Konstantellsaezi sought a cheaper house to the Scotland box to give first visitors in Hamden.

It was their first shot of the game and encouraged them to threaten many others and led up to 42 minutes after Scotland after the minute of Scotland also followed the consentlloa.

Robenson fled to the center of the box closing in the middle of closed the left wing, but who just left where Karevus unknown.

Ketstantinos Karevus is happy after the second purpose of Greece opposed to Scotland
Corstantinos Karevus became the least of the Greece curb

Konstantelliias lifted the boy, who was downloaded the ball first to a higher corner.

Then he made another help after half, the gathering of Christie and set up Tzolis to complete.

Boos went out from house fans after stretching and Caresis was curled beyond the top corner.

Home fans were not compatible with the first attempt to make the game in 55 minutes, perhaps a suggestion to eliminate Biilmour. And Mclean and Adam gone to Kierran Tierney and Lewis Ferguson entered the middle and rushed Kuorge Hurry made his HAPARR DEBER.

Christ Chriia Tzolis celebrates with her team's team after her Greek's third party's goal in Hampelden Park
Christar Charos Tzolis enjoys his team of her team has accomplished the 13 seconds to the second half of the Tuesday put Greece 3-0 front

There was only a little evidence to be a scotland parent. Hurry left the target from the most difficult opportunity and plow can be bad.

John Rocktar Clearence associated with Vangelis Povlidis Pushing Hanlidis Place Hanley after the protected by Tzols settled at the rest of the break.

What is the next scotland?

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